How contracting ad hoc transport is changing

Lately, there has been an increase in the need of contracting ad hoc transport services. This is something that is likely to continue increasing.

But how are companies managing their spot requests?
The tedious and long, manual process via phone and email is still the way for most companies.

Contracting ad hoc transport can be a challenging process. It is time consuming, and as its name indicates, it is often unplanned, taking time from main work tasks, creating stress, short cuts and quick actions to resolve your business’ urgent matters. This often ends up with carriers being selected with the wrong criteria, not matching expectations of service or cost or both.

Yet, many companies are still managing the way they contract ad hoc transport this way, manually - via phone and email. The tools to solve this are available, and finding a solution that adapts to one’s business’ needs could achieve cost savings, it could also reduce the administrative time of the process by 80%, with a notable increase of the control over the expenditure as well as gaining a competitive advantage in the industry.

Which is why there are really no excuses to keep doing it the manual way any longer.

If this blog raised questions or you're ready to kick off optimized freight procurement, please get in touch.  

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